IDA provides all sorts of national/international tax audit and consultancy Services required by the enterprises. Our Services regarding tax services can be seen below in respect of the main headings
Corporate Tax Certification Services
- Conducting audits on the calculation of all taxes paid by enterprises pursuant to tax legislation and audit of relevant transactions and processes in order to confirm if declarationwas submitted accurately and in due time,
- Reviewing legal books, accounts, transactions and related substantiating documents to ensure all books are kept in accordance with General Communique on Accounting System Application and other relevant accounting standards and principles, all tax liabilities are fulfilled by the enterprise,
- Specifying probable errors and omissions by means of the studies conducted and taking required precautions in order to resolve said errors and omissions.
VAT Refund and Consultancy Services
- Controlling if the VAT amount to be refunded is calculated accurately and investigation of this by counterverifications performed,
- Preparationand confirmation of VAT Refund Certification Report,
- Following up the refund process and managing the connections related to VAT refund,
- Consultancy services regarding VAT applications.
Other Processes Subject to Certification Legally
- Other tax exemptions providing exceptions at corporate tax calculations,
- Research and Development expenses,
- Investment allowance exemption,
- Determination of capital payment,
- Innerfunds used for capital increase,
- Utilization of some petroleumproducts.